Recent Work
Every line, shape, color, and shade originates in Nature. With no mechanical help or instruction, Nature creates perfect symmetrical designs — her repetition visible in various forms — as well as wild, random shapes. Inspiration is everywhere: outdoors, in the sky, in the sea, and through telescopes and microscopes. One human can only touch the surface of all Nature offers, yet to try something is to begin to understand a small portion of everything, and understanding leads to love.
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"My Other Home" 19 x 24 in. (markers, paint pens, colored pencils, metallics)

"Bright, Beautiful World" 19 x 24 in. (Procreate)

"Imaginary Sea" 19 x 24 in. (markers, paint pens,
colored pencils, metallics)

"What Is This Magic?" 19 x 24 in. on Bristol paper. (markers, paint pens, colored pencils, metallics)

"Colorful Fanfare" 19 x 24 in. (markers, paint pens, colored pencils, metallics)

"A Beautiful Home" 19 x 24 in. (Procreate)